Associated Organizations

Yash Krishi Taknique Evam Vigyan Kendra has a sister organization by the name “Yash Green Land Pvt. Ltd.” 

Corporate Office:
M/s Yash Green Land Pvt. Ltd.
A-148 Mehdauri Colony, Post-Teliarganj,
Allahabad (UP) – 211004, India 
Ph: & Fax +91 532 2545620,
Email Address: [email protected], [email protected] 

This organization supplies Bio products and does all type of consultancy work in

  • Agriculture,
  • Civil Engineering,
  • Waste management
  • Quality control of Materials etc.

This can be contacted on ph 0532 – 2545620 or 9415239737, 9839046839 or email id: [email protected] or [email protected]